Hi there and welcome to my web page!

My full name is Frank Duplesiere Hernández, and I'm a model from Cuba.

Friends call me Frank, while my stage name is Duplesis.

Life is about dreaming, isn't it? It is about making your dreams come true, and then dreaming again.

On my web-site I will be sharing with you stories of my past, my present, and - what is most interesting -my dreams about future.

Now a little bit about myself.

I was born and raised in Havana, Cuba. It was my dream to become a professional fashion model, for as long as I remember myself.

Becoming a model in Cuba is not as easy as one can imagine, unless you have connections. You know, what I mean.... But I started my modeling career at the age of 16. In 2008, I participated in Havana Club "new talents" contest, and became the one of the top three.

My career continued with participating in the Biennial of Havana with designer Ignacio Carmona (Nachi). I was a part of his Afrá collection, inspired by Africa. I have also collaborated with the Mexican Clothing Brand (The Jaguar Club), KHR-Cuba, and featured on Belleza Tropical Issue in solarmag.es back in 2018.

Moreover, I've shared my experience with new generation of cuban fashion models, also teaching in the New Academy de Joven Arte (NADJA).

In the same time my academical career is pretty successful as well. I have a degree in Sports and Science. I speak English, French, studies in German and Italian , and last but not of course, I'm a Spanish speaker.


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